Central Studio Academy Tuition & Policies
Dancer Tuition
Tuition pricing is based on four classes per month.
Central Studio Academy collects tuition monthly through automatic withdrawal (from a debit or credit card) on the 1st of the month unless the balance is paid in advance. If a student is registered after the first of the month, tuition and class enrollment will begin on the 1st of the next month.
Please note that tuition is not prorated when there are fewer than four classes, and in return, there are no added fees when a fifth week occurs. We do not prorate or refund for absences. Attendance is important for the student and their classmates to optimize learning.
Families who have multiple children enrolled at the Central Studio Academy qualify for a discount in tuition. Siblings can share a class package instead of purchasing one for each child.
Example: instead of purchasing two, 1 class/week packages at $65 each, families can purchase a 2 class/week package at $120 for their two children to share.
At CS Academy, the safety of our students and families is always our top priority. In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances like teacher illness (when a substitute is unavailable), we may need to cancel classes. Should this happen, we will gladly recommend alternative class options for make-up sessions.
While we do not prorate or offer refunds for absences, we encourage students to take advantage of make-up classes. To schedule a make-up class, simply reach out to our Academy Director or Studio Manager, and we’ll help you find the perfect option.
Please note: Make-up classes must be completed by the end of the Academy School Year and cannot be carried over into the next term.
CS Academy must be notified by the 20th of the month if you wish to discontinue enrollment for the next month. If CSA is notified after the 20th, your child’s enrollment will continue for the next month and then be canceled. (ex: Contact CSA by March 20th to cancel enrollment on March 31st. If we are notified after March 20th, tuition will be canceled April 30th.)
Failing to show to a class does not constitute canceling or dropping the class and your card will continue to be on file until you officially notify us to cancel or drop. You must connect with the front desk or CSA Director to complete this process.
- Please leave all gum, candy, or open snacks out of the classroom.
- Water only. Please put it in a bottle that closes securely.
- Keep everyone safe! Do not wear large or dangling jewelry in class.
- Keep shoes out of the dance studios.
- Please arrive at least 5 minutes early so dancers can use the restroom prior to the start of class.
- As you wait for your child or your class please be quiet out of respect for other classes that are occurring at Central Studio.
Throughout the year, there is a lot of information that is communicated to our families. We regularly use the following:
Email – We send email and newsletter updates. Please add “academy@centralstudiostl.com” to your email contact list so our updates reach your inbox. *Make sure your most up-to-date and preferred email is on your MindBody account.*
Website – You can find basic information for the Central Studio Academy, our yearly calendar, and inclement weather updates here.
At Central Studio – We post reminders on our doors and in the entryway.
Social Media – We have a Facebook and Instagram pages that we keep updated with upcoming events, reminders, and exciting class content!
Proper uniform is required for all classes. The students are expected to wear dance attire in their uniform color as well as footwear for all classes. This includes but is not limited to: leotard, tights, dance shoes, dance pants, and hair accessories. Students must abide by the designated hair requirements for the class they will be attending. We have a small supply of ballet and tap shoes available for students to borrow during their class time. If this is of interest to you, please talk to our administrative staff on your next visit.
-Enter through our back door located off the parking lot on Clara Avenue with your dancer
-Check in with our administrative staff
-Take your dancer into the hallway and help them out of their coat, shoes, and outside clothes
-Dancers will wait in the hallway for their teacher to let them into the dance studio
-Adults can wait in the hallway (limited seating available), their cars, or leave the premises (granted they are back in time for the end of class)
-Dancers will be sent back into the hallway at the end of class. Parents/adults are responsible for helping dancers with shoes, coats, and outside clothing.
-Dancer enters through the back door located off the parking lot on Clara Ave (parents are welcome to accompany their child the first few times)
-Dancer checks in with our administrative staff
-Dancer will take off their coat, shoes, and outside clothing and then wait for their teacher to let them into the dance studio
-Parents can wait in the hallway (limited seating available), their cars, or leave the premises (granted they return in time for pickup)
-Dancers will be sent back into the hallway at the end of class to put their coats, shoes, and outside clothing back on.
-Our administrative staff will make sure each dancer is picked up by their adult and/or gets into the correct vehicle.
We want to give parents and loved ones the option of watching their dancers learn, grow, and HAVE FUN each week in dance class. However, we find that our dancers learn the most and have the best experience when parents and loved ones wait outside the dance studio. We have created a Zoom link to livestream the Central Studio Academy dance studio so you can stay up to date on their progress. This will be sent to you in your email.
Central Studio films and takes photos for promotional purposes throughout the year. Central Studio, its representatives, and employees will ask for the right to film and take photographs of Parents/Legal Guardians, children and/or their property in connection with these efforts. You will need to sign a waiver during the enrollment process.
Parents/Legal Guardians must agree to assume all risks attendant upon them and/or their child/children while participating in any class at Central Studio Academy. You will be asked to sign a waiver releasing us from liability during the enrollment process.
Central Studio Academy's instructors, agents, and employees are not physicians or medical practitioners of any kind. With the above in mind, and upon signing a release, our staff will render temporary first aid to children in the event of any injury or illness, and, if deemed necessary, call emergency services to seek medical help.