Elevate your teaching skills and inspire your students with our tailored professional development workshops in St. Louis.
Professional Development Workshops for Dance & Movement Educators in St. Louis
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one you in all time, this expression is unique”. - Martha Graham
Bridging Movement and Mind for Inspired Teaching
Exploring Classroom Engagement and Somatic Movement
1:00- 4:00 pm Conscious Practice, Conscious Teaching
When we train our bodies to obey a set of arbitrary rules about proper form and healthy behaviors, we may realize a certain level of obedience. But what happens when our experiences cease to fit the mold we’ve created for ourselves?
2:00-4:00pm: provides the opportunity to spend time exploring your habitual movement patterns and then assessing if those patterns are accommodating or problematic. You will practice active communication with your body in order to foster harmony and cooperation. You will explore how you talk to yourself and explore how to be healthy with in your own nervous system while authentically being present with your students.
It takes curiosity, imagination and rigorous discipline to explore what is happening in the present moment and to then have a dialogue with your body that is non-aggressive. How do you talk to yourself? How you think about and treat yourself is directly related to how you communicate as a teacher.
This experience and the ability you gain to sense, feel and guide yourself into action also helps you grow as a teacher. You will become more relaxed, centered and coordinated while teaching. The more you intentionally practice entering these states yourself, the more they are passed to your students.
About Debora Robinson Kolwey our presenter
Licensed Teacher Trainer, TPC—Devoted to teaching, Debora is inspired by how developing a Pilates practice can support us in becoming more fully human and finding deeper satisfaction in life. She has been teaching with The Pilates Center since 1991 and she became a Licensed Teacher Trainer in 1999. In addition to training with The Pilates Center, Debora has trained with Eve Gentry, the original Pilates Institute, Eric Franklin, and Stephan Frease. Before joining The Pilates Center, Debora had her own home studio and created the first Core Dynamics workshops to carry on Eve Gentry’s legacy.